On January 7th, 2020, my friend and I were able to purchase a JEOL JSM-6400 from UCSD surplus. Since then we have been working on
getting it up and running. Below you can see some pictures of our scope, some guides for maintaining/fixing scanning electron microscopes
and some of the modifications we made to take advantage of our scope.
Background Information: Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEMs) use electrons to view a sample. When electrons are accelerated at a high speed, they have a
wavelength shorter than visible light allowing for nanometer resolution. The column of the SEM contains an optical system (lenses, apertures) used to focus
the electron beam onto the sample. The most common way to view an image is to use the secondary electrons, electrons dislodged from the sample by the incoming
beam, to generate an image. If you want to learn more about SEMs
JEOL's Scanning Electron Microscope A To Z
is a great introductory resource.